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Sunday Services - 9 & 11AM | Youth service - SUNDAY 5:30pm | Wednesday - 6:30pm Family night (SEPT thru MAY) | connect Groups meet daily

Join A Connect Group

At Hobart Assembly, we understand the importance of developing personal, genuine connections with other people.

If you want your relationship with Christ to grow continually, you've got to connect with people with the same goal. One of the ways our church encourages those relationships is through our Connect Groups.


What are "Connect Groups"?

Connect Groups are meetings of 3 or more people who gather each week in a home, workplace, or right here at our church campus. Groups meet to encourage each other, enjoy fellowship, study, worship, ask questions, and build one another up in faith for the glory of God & His kingdom.

Why Join?

A Connect Group is where growth takes place! In the process, you grow from being an individual in a big church to being a connected member within a smaller community. Being part of a Connect Group at Hobart Assembly is an excellent opportunity to build authentic and long-lasting relationships with people who genuinely care for you while growing together spiritually.

What happens in our Connect Groups?

Connect Group meetings are built around various means of studying the Word of God that include relevant bible teachings, exploring specific topics, and reading select Christian books. Some of our groups are built around specific "interests." For example, people may enjoy running or meeting together for fellowship at a local restaurant. Group meetings are designed to give group members time to get to know each other, study God's Word, pray for each other, or just connect and have fun in a faith-filled atmosphere!

What kinds of groups does Hobart Assembly offer?

We have groups that meet onsite at the church and offsite in homes in Hobart, Portage, Crown Point, and more! There are groups for men, women, couples, young people, seniors, Spanish speakers, and more! Whether you are looking for a place to meet friends, connect to a mentor, grow spiritually, or serve your community, there's a Connect Group for you!

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