Youth Ministry


Sunday Services - 9 & 11AM | Youth service - SUNDAY 5:30pm | Wednesday - 6:30pm Family night (SEPT thru MAY) | connect Groups meet daily

JuiceBox Youth

Juice Box Ministries is the place for you if you're a student in grade 7th-12th. 

We meet every Sunday night from 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm for a high-energy, interactive experience designed specifically with you in mind! Whether you've been around church your whole life, have always thought it was boring, have had a bad experience at church in the past, or are checking it out for the first time, we think you'll love being a part of the community.

Be sure to come at 5:30 pm to hang out with us. The first half-hour is a time when students come to talk, play ping-pong, play video games, skateboard, or grab some food at the Juicebox Cafe. when the service starts, we all head to the worship center for an interactive game, a few announcements, some A W E S O M E worship, and a message from God's Word that will challenge you as never before.

Can't wait to see you there!

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