Young Adults


Sunday Services - 9 & 11AM | Youth service - SUNDAY 5:30pm | Wednesday - 6:30pm Family night (SEPT thru MAY) | connect Groups meet daily

young Adults

Men & Women | Ages 18-30

Graduations, college, career decisions, bills, weddings, and babies… Life picks up fast as we begin to establish our feet. As we navigate all these significant changes, we must ensure our foundation is firmly built on Christ. At Hobart Assembly's Young Adults, we seek to do this together.

Every Thursday at 7 pm, we gather to study God’s Word, worship in song, enjoy good food, and grow in our relationships through all seasons of life.

As we discover the life God has for us, we believe that life is best done together!

Thursday EVENING

7:00-8:30 pm | Family Life Center

Bring your friends and join us as we eat together, worship, and grow in God’s word.

Plan your visit