Our Mission, Vision, & Values


Sunday Services - 9 & 11AM | Youth service - SUNDAY 5:30pm | Wednesday - 6:30pm Family night (SEPT thru MAY) | connect Groups meet daily


Just before Jesus ascended into heaven, He said, "I'm going to give you the Great Commission," MT 28:19-20, (NLT) "Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you."

In essence, Jesus was saying to those early disciples, "I don't ever want my followers to be fuzzy about what I've called you to do; I want you to:

  • Lead people into faith.
  • Disciple them into the maturity of faith.
  • Empower them to GO and spread the Gospel message to all the world!

And so Hobart Assembly's Mission Statement reads this way:

"To take people who are far from God and turn them into committed followers of Jesus Christ."


At Hobart Assembly, our vision is expressed through these chief objectives:

To be a house of prayer.

To be a soul-winning station. 

To be a disciple-making church. 

To equip every believer for significant ministry.

To be a family training center.

To be a caring place.

To be a place where God's manifest presence is experienced.

To serve our community.

So it is with those that we at Hobart Assembly have this vision:

"To transform our communities through the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ where God's presence is encountered, His love is exemplified, and His power is experienced."

our core values


Jesus called us to go out and spread the Word of God. We believe that this is not done enough. We make it a priority to go outside of the church walls to reach the lost and broken. We hope that you will join us in doing so. 


We believe the Bible is without error and is inspired Word of God. Anointed preaching and teaching have their source in the Word of God, and we will not waiver from the truth.  We preach and teach the whole counsel of God as found in the Holy Scriptures.


Purposely cultivating a hunger for God's manifest presence and openness to the Holy Spirit experiences deepens our friendship with God and the awareness that we carry His presence for the sake of the world. As a lifestyle, we focus on Him while we minister and attempt to say what God is saying and do what He is doing.


We believe loving, open, honest, and vulnerable relationships should permeate every aspect of our ministry. We believe Christ-focused small groups are the best environment for developing these relationships and promoting individual growth.


We believe God has uniquely created and gifted each believer to serve the Body of Christ. The fulfillment of a person's role within the Kingdom of God is accomplished with excellence, efficiency, and effectiveness when people function in their areas of giftedness.


Strong families are the backbone of every prospering society and essential to any healthy, vibrant church. Because of this, we invest heavily in our youth and children and the health of marriage and family relationships. In addition, we provide practical and spiritual support to those who may have experienced brokenness to lead them into vitality and growth.


At Hobart Assembly, we are committed to developing fully devoted followers of Christ. This means that our people are sensitive to the Spirit's leading and are growing into spiritual maturity in understanding and applying the Word of God in their everyday lives.


We believe that God desires His people to pray and that He hears and answers prayers. Therefore, we rely on private and public prayer in all ministries and activities of this church.

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