Our History


Sunday Services - 9 & 11AM | Youth service - SUNDAY 5:30pm | Wednesday - 6:30pm Family night (SEPT thru MAY) | connect Groups meet daily

A Brief Overview

Hobart Assembly had its humble beginnings in 1938 under the leadership of Rev. James Menzie. Since then, Hobart Assembly has moved several times. In 1976, Hobart Assembly moved to its present location on Ridge Road in Hobart, IN. Throughout the years, Hobart Assembly has left a lasting legacy of faith by its primary focus on reaching the lost and seeing the transformational change in people's lives as a result of their newfound relationship with Christ. 

In October 2006, Pastor Ryan and Rebecca McDowell accepted God's call to pastor the church. Since then, God has blessed Hobart Assembly with much growth and revitalization. Following the Holy Spirit's leading, Hobart Assembly has renewed its emphasis on reaching the lost through evangelism and missions.

Hobart Assembly is now pursuing its next stage in God's plan to build again. Without a doubt, these are exciting days! If you don't have a home church, we invite you to come and be a part of our family!

A Brief Timeline


Rev. James Menzie pioneered the Church. The Lord blessed the work, and many souls were saved. During an evangelistic campaign in 1939, a high of ninety was reached in Sunday School.  During this time, the church rented space from an Episcopal church in Gary.


Forced out of their location, they moved their young congregation into a two-car garage to meet. They did this for two years.


Purchased a building on Ridge Road & Washington Street. The church was officially incorporated on March 3, 1943, as “Hobart Assembly of God Tabernacle, Inc.” It served as a place of worship until 1955 when it was sold for $15,000.


In October 1951, the mortgage papers on the church were burned, and the same month, Rev R.J. Baggs of Massachusetts was called to be our pastor.


Purchased new property on 10th and State street in Hobart, and plans for the building were started. Under Rev. Baggs's leadership, the church was erected on this lot. The congregation moved on July 6, 1954. On February 24, 1954, the church was incorporated as Hobart Assembly of God, Inc. the church was dedicated on Easter Sunday 1959, and also Rev. Baggs's farewell Sunday as Pastor.


On March 8, 1959, Rev and Mrs. Frank J Fortier were called as candidates for Pastors. They received a hundred percent vote. They served as Pastor from 1959 to 1978.


On February 7, 1967, five acres were purchased on Ridge Road (present location) for $10,000.


On March 2nd, at 2:30 pm, the church property on Ridge Road was dedicated to the Lord. Rev. Van Winkle from Indianapolis and Rev. Frank Fortier presided with 38 people present.


Mortgage papers were burned on the 10th street property.


Plans were made and building commenced on a new church at the Ridge Road location. There were many great men and women of God who helped build this new facility. Brother Andy Shain took six months off from his job at the mill to help build the new church. Sacrifices like this were instrumental in erecting the new facility.


On August 10th, everyone gathered at the old church with a police escort, followed by Mayor Titus, Rev. and Mrs. Fortier. A ribbon-cutting ceremony took place at the new church location.


Longtime, beloved pastor, Rev. Frank J. Fortier passed away while preaching on his favorite text, Isaiah 61:1-3. He left an incredible legacy of faith and service. The new church building was dedicated to the Lord by Rev. D. Fred Leader from the Indiana District Assemblies of God.


Following the death of Rev. Fortier, Rev. and Mrs. Gordon E. Falconer and their family were installed as the new pastors of Hobart Assembly. Rev. Charles E. Crank presided over the installation service on December 5th.


Pastor Falconer and his family left Hobart Assembly to pastor LaPorte Assembly of God. Following their departure, Rev. and Mrs. Bruce W. Washam were installed as the new Pastors of Hobart Assembly. The installation service took place on August 28th by Superintendent Charles E. Crank of the Indiana District Assemblies of God.


Following the departure of Pastor Washam and his family, Rev. and Mrs. A Raymond Hansen were installed as pastors.


In June 2004, Rev. and Mrs. J Andrew Sanders were installed as pastors following Pastor Hansen's departure.


In October, Pastor Ryan and his wife Rebecca accepted the call to pastor Hobart Assembly with a congregation of 60 people.


A second service was added.  From 2007 through 2015, several renovations were undertaken to meet the demands of a growing congregation.  Walls were removed, and walls were added until there was simply no space left.


After a time of prayer and fasting and our most successful Easter outreach ever, Hobart Assembly added a third service.


The church hired Jeffrey Parker Architects and started planning for a new worship center.


Purchased properties to the east and west of our existing building and started a building campaign to build our new worship center.


After two successful financial campaigns, construction on our brand new 16,000-square-foot worship center commenced with a ground-breaking ceremony on May 2nd, 2021. 


After nearly seven years of planning and sacrifice, we had our first service in our new 550-seat worship center on Thanksgiving weekend, Sunday, November 27, 2022.  What a great day of celebration it was!  The building was dedicated on Sunday, December 11, 2022.  Dr. Micheal Spencer preached the commissioning service.  To God be the Glory!

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