Get Baptized


Sunday Services - 9 & 11AM | Youth service - SUNDAY 5:30pm | Wednesday - 6:30pm Family night (SEPT thru MAY) | connect Groups meet daily

What Is Water Baptism?

Water baptism is a public declaration that we have turned away from our sins and put our faith in Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and Lord (Acts 2:38). It is important to recognize that baptism does not save us; instead, we are saved by God’s grace as we trust in His Son who died for us on the cross and was raised from the dead (Romans 10:9-10; Ephesians 2:8-10). As we go down into the waters and come back up, we demonstrate that our old life of sin has been buried with Christ, and we have been raised with Him to new life (Romans 6:1-4.) Baptism is a celebration of God’s grace and an expression of our desire and intention to follow Him!

Why Be Baptized?

Hobart Assembly encourages all believers in Jesus Christ to be baptized. Jesus was baptized (Mark 1:9-11.) Jesus said that believers should be baptized (Matthew 28:19.) The Apostle Peter also encouraged believers to be baptized (Acts 2:38.) Baptism is an important point of identification with Jesus as your Lord and an expression of your desire and intention to follow Him. Baptism identifies us publicly with Jesus Christ as His followers. This is vital because Jesus Himself said, “If anyone acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will openly acknowledge that person before my Father in heaven” (Matthew 10:32.)

Ready to Get Baptized?

Fill out the information and click on the button below to begin the process of getting baptized. Someone from our office will contact you to follow up.


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